Codependency Recovery is the Path to a Spiritual Awakening

authentic self codependency codependency recovery false self help for codependency May 08, 2023
codependency recovery


The Awakening 

Awakening to the truth of my emotional, spiritual, and mental blocks shook me.  I never questioned my reality until my thirties and after having three innocent children. I never wondered about the quality of my thoughts, beliefs, or my emotions. 

The spiritual path usually involves chaos. When my life imploded, my body, mind, and life were in complete disorder, but my mind kept trying to prevent me from seeing the truth. 

I have since learned that the boulders that block our mental clarity, emotional freedom, and confidence are the only things we need to be tending to. Until we acknowledge our subconscious fears, we can't remove them. And despite how much money we make or how happy we look on the outside, our emotional wounds fester and create disorder in our lives, whether we look or turn away. 

For most of my life, I assumed the boulders were outside me. It was quite the mind shift to accept that what happened to me as a child had somehow hardened into calcified rocks within me, only I could genuinely name, uncover, and dissolve. 

However, please don't assume that mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks are a child's fault.

We do not choose our blocks; at least I do not believe so. 

Blocks result from default mechanisms of the brain, fight or flight, trauma, false beliefs, cognitive distortions, codependency, and a lack of knowledge, understanding, tools, resources, and support. 

And the good news is we are all living in a time where healing is possible!

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

The quality of our lives is equal to the quality of the questions we ask ourselves. This is one of my favorite quotes by Tony Robbins. 

One of the most critical questions I asked myself during my chaotic spiritual awakening was, "How can I change?"

I also asked, 

  • How can I uncover my emotional blocks?
  • How can I heal my inner child?
  • How can I stop reacting to the narcissists in my life?
  • How can I break the cycle of codependency so my children don't compromise their happiness or future to keep others happy?
  • How can I tolerate uncomfortable emotions when setting boundaries or telling my absolute truth?
  • How can I resolve my dependency upon needing others and experiences to be as I expect them to be in order to feel in control?

These days I also ask, 

  • How can I be a more supportive spouse?
  • How can I be the mother and grandmother my children and grandchild deserve?
  • How can I be a more accepting friend?
  • How can I be a more empathic sibling?
  • How can I be a more compassionate human?
  • How can I be a more attuned coach, writer, course creator, and mentor?
  • How can I be more authentic and less codependent?
  • How can I focus more on the beauty of what is and less on what I have yet to achieve?
  • How can I walk the middle path without feeling the need to desire anything and without the fear of something happening or not happening?

The right questions can help you transform trauma into triumph. 

If you are struggling with codependency, reactivity, or dissatisfaction in life, please know the power to resolve whatever conflicts you currently hold are healable. With the right intention, any block can be dissolved through compassion, mindfulness, and consciousness. 

And although healing is not for the faint of heart, if you are someone committed to your soul's growth, your desire to be nonresistant to what you cannot control, will lead you toward emotional freedom, and slf mastery!

Never give up and always seek the middle path. 

Thank you for supporting me and my mission to help awaken adult children to the power within!

May your day be blessed with inquisitive thoughts, healing emotions, and hope for recovery. 

Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and Author whose mission is to help adult children from dysfunctional homes find their way back to their authentic self.

Healing the Adult Child Online Programs
12 Week Breakthrough Program
8 Week Master Class
4 Part Loving the Self Program 
21 Day Inner Child Journaling Program 
12 Part Advanced Audio on Codependency