The scientific approach to healing separation consciousness.

Soul School a Course in the Quantum Science of Love Consciousness


Discover the Essential Path to Spiritual Growth Beyond a Painful Past: Scientific, Quantum, Psychological, and Philosophical Insights Await.

Click Here To Join Me On This Sacred Inner Transformative Journey

Soul School Is A Life Changing Program That Will Guide You To...Ā 

Awaken Your Spiritual Self:

Experience a profound inner mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation, unearthing a newfound clarity that unveils your authentic self and innate connection to the Divine. Embrace a life where self-doubt dissipates, and your inner strength guides every decision rooted in love consciousness, untethered to the false self or the limits and restrictions of ego consciousness.

Banish Separation Consciousness and Bask in the Peace, Balance, and Harmony of Unity Consciousness:

Discover the quantum, psychological, spiritual, and philosophical truths that allow your consciousness to expand beyond egoic attachments to any false narrative you hold of yourself, others, and the world. Encounter a deep connection with the universe, feeling one with its divine natural laws and rhythm, becoming a seer of the unseen forces that unveil the mysteries of human consciousness and our connection with the universe and even reality, thus opening you up to the unlimited potential you have to live from a state of love consciousness.

Unshakable Self Love:

Discover ultimate emotional, mental, and spiritual freedom as you navigate lifeā€™s challenges with a newfound resilience rooted in a deeper meaning and understanding of your place in this vast universe far beyond the restraints of the finite mind. You'll stand tall amidst storms, no longer shackled by past wounds, drawing from an inner wellspring rooted in divine awareness. Dear One, you are not a grasshopper! All that separates the awareness of your true self is a veil of illusion. Letā€™s course correct and help your mind, body, brain, and emotional self find the doorway to your most authentic, highest self.

Harmonious Relationship with Self and Others:

Witness the transformation of your relationships with yourself and others as love consciousness permeates your awareness, unbound by the shackles of past hurts.Ā  Embrace deeper, meaningful, spiritual connections fostered by empathy, understanding, and a profound sense of unity, unbound by the brainā€™s survival mechanism, confirmation bias, or negative expectation, enriching every aspect of your life with unlimited potential. This is truly the road back to the divine, authentic, spiritual, abundant you!

Explore the Pathway to Enlightenment:

This illuminating expedition takes you on a transformative quest, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights to unveil the sacred trail toward spiritual awakening and deep self-discovery. Embrace the journey as you navigate the ego's role, learning to perceive it through the lens of love, fostering an openness that nurtures growth and expands your awareness beyond the confines of the finite mind, revealing your true essence. Your true nature is love, and ego has played its role until you hear your inner self aching for a deeper meaning in life. This is a clue that your soul is ready to be unleashed!

Join me today as I guide you toward ancient knowledge and scientific principles that prove that all the power you seek to heal and transform your world is within you and is just one new thought and emotion away.

Dear One, all that you seek has been seeking you, and all I offer you are the truths I have learned to unleash the power of love in my life and the systems, processes, and action steps I used to journey from fear to love!

Serving your mental, emotional, spiritual, and conscious expansion is an honor.Ā 
Join Today

Course Outline: 10 Weekly Modules

Week One: Introduction to Soul School:

Embodying Love Consciousness

The Purpose of this Course

How to Use this Course

Soul School Pledge

Mindful Preparation (audio)


Divine Potential

Understand your oneness with all that is.
Regardless of our level of consciousness, we are a facet of the whole. We aim to expand our consciousness and use our mind to help us transcend its limited understandings so that we might ascend into love consciousness unbound by ego constructs and discover our true authentic essence.


You are the Handiwork of Creator

You will learn scientific, philosophical, and spiritual reasons to question and understand all limiting egoic attachments that have been constructed by your mind so that you might be able to transcend the mind and develop divine awareness, through knowing yourself as one with the Source of all that is.


Love Embraces Ego

If Spirit created all that is, then Spirit also created the human ego. In this course, you will learn how to transcend the limits of the unawakened ego through an elevation of consciousness. Rather than die to our ego, we seek to transcend it instead.


Singular Point of Creation

Humans tend to view the world through a narrow, ego-based lens. This is not our fault, however, when we learn to think beyond the limits of the mind, we are offered the opportunity to understand the interconnectedness of all, including how we fit into the divine plan.


Quantum LoopholesĀ 

As written, 'The mind is everything, what you think you become.' Quantum laws govern consciousness and allow us to transcend autopilot consciousness. Creator provides quantum loopholes for ascending beyond ego-mind limits.


Ascending the 3D ParadigmĀ 

Understanding the lower state of consciousness as ego consciousness can help us develop the ability to understand the power we have to ascend the paradigm of the 3D and connect more deeply in awareness of our true essence and our interconnectednessĀ with all that is.


Identifying the Impulse of Love vs Ego Consciousness

Over the centuries, human consciousness has lowered, and many have lost their connection with theirĀ true spiritual essence. Becoming the objective, detached, nonjudgmental observer of your mind's inner operations is key to your ascension.


Greater is the Power Within

Billions of humans defend and protect the unchallenged story of their ego without objectivity. As a human, you are endowed with the power of consciousness and can ascend the lower states of mind to more fully align with your divine self.Ā 


TheĀ InterconnectednessĀ Between Humans and the Quantum WorldĀ 

We will dive deep into consciousness as it relates to physical reality and, through understanding divine, absolute, and quantum laws, come to view ourselves as co-creators rather than spectators and reactors to what is happening in our lives today.


You are CompleteĀ Ā 

Explore your innate connection to the Earth's healing rhythm. Learn to align consciously with natural laws, transcending lowered states of consciousness for a harmonious existence. Dear One, all that you have been seeking has been seeking you and is available to you 24/7.Ā 

What You Can Expect:

Prepare for a transformative journey with weekly 30-minute video training akin to university courses, covering quantum science, psychological fundamentals, spiritual teachings, ancient wisdom, and symbolic philosophies.

Each session includes an Alpha Guided Meditation, crafted with serene alpha frequencies known to resonate with Earth's natural vibration, delivering transformative messages for your spiritual awakening and consciousness evolution.

Additionally, expect personalized homework assignments tailored to foster experiential learning.

Engage in self-reflective journaling, mental exercises, writing tasks, and research designed to immerse you in the course material.

True transformation demands engagement of mind, body, and soul; mere reading isn't enough.

This course offers a holistic approachā€”visual, auditory, written, and experientialā€”to ensure deep, lasting change in your being.

Bonus Feature

Included as an extra gift, you'll receive transcripts of the meditations, granting you the opportunity to revisit and absorb these healing messages at your own pace. These transcripts serve as a gateway to enrich your soul's evolutionary journey, complementing your training and deepening your understanding.

Exclusive Member Community

Join me weekly in our private Facebook Community for live group calls, where I provide online guidance and foster clarity. These sessions offer invaluable support, nurturing a space where we collectively explore and grow on this transformative journey together.

Recap of Weekly Offerings

Experience a comprehensive weekly package featuring training videos, guided alpha meditations, personalized homework assignments, meditation transcripts, and exclusive live training sessions.

The PDFs are available for download, while the videos and meditations are exclusively accessible online.

Dive into the world of quantum principles encompassing entanglement, superposition, locality, nonlocality, and the intriguing concept of wave-particle duality.

Discover the brain's mystical facets, from synaptic pruning to unraveling the intricate connection between emotions, thoughts, and their impact on the unseen, nonphysical realm dwelling within the subconscious mind

Unlock the vast reservoir of your mental, emotional, creative, and spiritual potential by harmonizing ancient wisdom, modern psychology, groundbreaking neuroscience, and the mystical laws governing every atom in the universe.

Dear One,


Feel the confidence and assurance that comes with a deep understanding of consciousness in shaping human reality.

Picture yourself embodying the wisdom of ancient truths, serene and unperturbed by the uncontrollable, wholly at peace within your consciousness, united with your spiritual self.

See yourself effortlessly drawing in enriching relationships, opportunities, and the abundance you've longed for.

Imagine gracefully flowing with life's rhythms, transcending illusions that tether souls to cycles of cause and effect.

Imagine living above the veil of consciousness, united in awareness of your divine essence.Ā 


Soul School is not just another course - it's a life-changing experience designed to help you transcend the finite mind and merge in consciousness with the unlimited potential available to all who awaken to their true essence.Ā 


Each week, I will unveil the mysteries of emotions, thoughts, mind, brain, memories, and perceptual faculties and how they interact with the quantum field to help string together life. In doing so, you will discover a fork in the road of consciousness that will convince you of the benefit of traveling less traveled.Ā 


Hi! I'm Lisa A. Romano!

Ā My journey toward healing my inner child opened me up to a new way of life, where I could experience life's essence in ways I had never imagined. Learning about how childhood experiences arrested my consciousness helped me to unwind from shame and understand that what was wrong was not me; it was only my programming. However, even as I healed, I felt a deeper callingā€”a yearning to connect with my higher self. I wanted to transcend the confines of my memory and ego and delve into the boundless realms of spiritual consciousness. I hoped that by doing so, I could transcend the limits of space, time, and collective and subjective consciousness and experience my spiritual essence. Once I found the pathway to achieve this, I would one day create a roadmap for others who felt the same calling.


This course isn't just a creation; it's a sacred offering tailored for seekers like youā€”individuals attuned to the divine inner whisper calling for deeper understanding, beckoning toward the miraculous essence of existence. It's a roadmap to unveiling the mysteries of life and unlocking the profound connection binding us to the very fabric of existence. Once the mysteries of life and reality are revealed, your true understanding of self will emerge, and ascending the ego will feel as natural as waking up from a dream.Ā 


Together, let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual illumination, where healing is more than a callingā€”it's a transformative pilgrimage that leads to an unwavering knowing of oneā€™s divine essence. Welcome to Soul School, a Course in Love Consciousness, my gift to the seeker of divine truth.Ā 

Vanessa B

Lisa's guidance is a beacon of light in my life's journey. Her wisdom, compassion, and deep understanding have been pivotal in my path toward healing and self-discovery. Through her courses, books, and personal coaching, I've found the courage to confront my past, understand my inner workings, and embrace a new way of living rooted in self-acceptance and an appreciation for how my inner world impacts my outer world. Her insights are transformative, leading me to a profound awakening and a sense of peace I never knew existed. Lisa's work is a gift to anyone seeking profound inner transformation and spiritual growth.

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  • Access granted to Soul School with Content Dripped Weekly.




  • Access granted to Soul School with Content Dripped Weekly.
Business Side of ThingsĀ 

If you find this course doesn't match your expectations, you're welcome to email me within 14 days of purchase for a full refund. Please note that this course is presented as a whole package and isn't segmented into parts for separate purchases. Additionally, in the event of payment issues, access to course materials may be briefly paused until payment matters are resolved. We aim to support you in achieving your highest aspirations, fostering your commitment to ongoing conscious and spiritual growth. We're dedicated to ensuring you not only complete this course but revisit its teachings throughout your lifetime to strengthen your journey of expansion.

Dear One, get ready to embark on a transformative journey to awaken your spiritual self, shedding the weight of the past to stride hand in hand with the infinite.


Join our journey, where divine and natural truths converge alongside profound spiritual, science, and philosophy teachings, empowering you to expand your consciousness beyond any false limited perception and break free from the world of illusions and separateness.Ā 

Let us navigate the path of hidden mysteries and embrace our interconnectedness with the divine, unveiling the magic within ourselves to bask in the energy of pure potential in awareness of our spiritual essence.Ā 

Get ready to unlock the gateway to your spiritual awakening and embrace the limitless potential residing within you.

"Embrace the detached, serene, undisturbed observer within, and watch the universe unveil your interconnection with boundless love." - Lisa A. Romano.

Join Today
Dear One, get ready to embark on a transformative journey to awaken your spiritual self, shedding the weight of the past to stride hand in hand with the infinite.


Join our journey, where divine and natural truths converge alongside profound spiritual, science, and philosophy teachings, empowering you to expand your consciousness beyond any false limited perception and break free from the world of illusions and separateness.Ā 

Let us navigate the path of hidden mysteries and embrace our interconnectedness with the divine, unveiling the magic within ourselves to bask in the energy of pure potential in awareness of our spiritual essence.Ā 

Get ready to unlock the gateway to your spiritual awakening and embrace the limitless potential residing within you.

"Embrace the detached, serene, undisturbed observer within, and watch the universe unveil your interconnection with boundless love." - Lisa A. Romano.

Join Today

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Access granted to Soul School with Content Dripped Weekly.




  • Access granted to Soul School with Content Dripped Weekly.
Business Side of ThingsĀ 

If you find this course doesn't match your expectations, you're welcome to email me within 14 days of purchase for a full refund. Please note that this course is presented as a whole package and isn't segmented into parts for separate purchases. Additionally, in the event of payment issues, access to course materials may be briefly paused until payment matters are resolved. We aim to support you in achieving your highest aspirations, fostering your commitment to ongoing conscious and spiritual growth. We're dedicated to ensuring you not only complete this course but revisit its teachings throughout your lifetime to strengthen your journey of expansion.