Mar 16, 2020

We are ONE and we are far more powerful when we pour out love in the face of fear.

by Lisa A. Romano

strength together weareone

Dear Ones, I vow to you today and always, to do what I can to keep my vibrations high.

I vow to you, my brothers and sisters, that through these challenging times I will do what I can to stay conscious of what road my mind travels upon.
I vow to you, my spiritual family, to do what I can to become a vessel of peace, love, and harmony, and I promise to pour out that love through my thoughts, intentions, and actions.
I vow to you, Mother Earth, who only knows LOVE, to connect with you more deeply and often and to return LOVE to you through gratitude and humility.
I vow to you, the Cosmos, who supports Mother Earth and every life form there is, to stay conscious of what energies I send forth and reach you.
I vow to you, Higher Self, to do what I can to remain tethered to your etheric wisdom and to mind the primitive dimensions within me that can fall prey to things I cannot control.
I vow to you, my body to offer you the nutrients you need to keep this temple functioning optimally. You can only work with what the conscious me offers you. I vow to love and appreciate you more than ever.
I vow to you, my ego, to ease your fears through meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, journaling, and to remind you often, of just how powerful my focused attention truly is.
I vow to you, my future self, to stay as in alignment as possible with my truest desires. I promise not to abandon all that I desire to manifest and to keep your dreams alive and well regardless of any challenging times.
I vow to you, the laws that govern time and space, to respect what is happening now, while I use all the spiritual tools I have learned to keep my vibrations in alignment with abundance, love, clarity, joy, health, balance, and harmony.
I wish to serve the light while I respect the dark.
I pray you join me Dear Ones.
We are ONE and we are far more powerful when we pour out love in the face of fear.