Love And Protect The Self

narc narcissist selflove Feb 25, 2020

People will say that you do not need to fear a narcissist.

I say fear is God's way of saying, "Pay freaking attention -- there is a dark spirit in your midsts."

People who do not have a mind that operates to be a part of the whole, work to destroy the whole so they can remain in control of all who make up the whole.

Narcissists are persecutors, but their mind will insist that you are the persecutor and they are the victim.

Be careful out there Dear Ones...

God isn't going to sit at your coffee table and tell you to 'wake up'. No, God speaks to us through our gut instincts.

It is our job to learn to be still -- and to consciously make contact with our Higher Self; our Holy Spirit Self.

When we heal the programs in our heads that make us feel not enough, we can more clearly hear the voice of Spirit and Wisdom guiding us and cautioning us to love and protect the self.