Learn To Love Yourself

codependency iamenough selfesteem selfhealing Feb 19, 2020

When a childhood has been unpredictable, our need for control goes on overdrive.

When our emotions have been stuffed, they create tension inside our bodies. This tension we think needs to be managed by trying to control everything and everyone.

We try to control how we feel...we try to control how other people feel...we try to control what other people think...and what they do.

What we need is peace, but because we have never experienced peace, we falsely believe controlling anything and everything will bring us peace.

The sad, freaking, truth is, peace comes only when we finally let go.

Learning to accept what you cannot control is a journey. It happens slowly and overtime.

Codependency is a real thing...

Being too nice is a real thing...

People-pleasing is a real thing...

Learning to love yourself, and to accept what you could not control as a child, leads you to the peace you seek on the inside.

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Codependency On Demand Presentation


