Ignoring Narcissists: A Mastered Inner Power
Dec 17, 2024
Step back in your thoughts and disentangle yourself from them for a moment. Imagine observing the inner self-talk as you would phrases flashing upon a screen. Take a deep breath and acknowledge that this inner dialogue is akin to Michelangelo carving David from white marble. It is the work of an engineer, first conceptualizing, then discussing, and finally designing a bridge on paper.
The Birthplace of Thoughts
Let’s explore the inception of thought, where mental images and inner dialogue first emerge. This realm is purely nonphysical, emotional, and vibrational. Before thoughts take shape, feelings manifest. From these feelings, blueprints are etched into the subconscious mind, much like an engineer storing plans for a future structure.
Navigating Life with Toxic Relationships
Have you been raised by a narcissistic parent or faced challenges with a narcissistic sibling, spouse, or coworker? Do you know someone who avoids accountability, projecting their flaws onto others while perpetually blaming those around them?
Consider the dynamics with a spouse or parent who shows one face to the world but reveals a different persona, energy, and agenda in private. Have you felt powerless, anxious, afraid of intimacy, and overwhelmed by emotions?
Dear One, if any of these scenarios resonate with you, it's crucial to step back and envision yourself as a sculptor, potter, and engineer. Your conversations, emotions, and even your engagement with social media may signify a misdirection of your God-given creative power.
The Struggles of Codependency
Through my experience with someone exhibiting vulnerable narcissistic traits, I found my emotional, mental, and physical state entwined with his perceptions of me. Like a puppy desperately seeking approval, I neglected my inner world, allowing my relationship with my spouse, family, and friends to dictate my sense of self-worth. The result was devastating.
I felt overdrawn, like a bankrupt bank account, or parched like a desert. I perceived my issues as external and felt powerless to change them until I learned to manage my thoughts, emotions, daily intentions, and conversations. I made the decision to steer my own ship.
Taking Control of Your Power
I stopped scrolling through social media, which perpetuated feelings of victimhood. I ceased avoiding difficult emotions like grief, sadness, and loneliness. I distanced myself from people who remained unaware of their role in the problems they faced and embraced the reality that I could control the energy and direction of my God-given power.
It may sound unrealistic to suggest ignoring a toxic person in your life. However, it’s true that focusing on certain individuals entangles us with their energy in profound ways. Our current experiences stem from a quantum algorithm established long ago in our familial history. Whatever we concentrate on materializes more prominently in our lives, as our consciousness directly shapes our reality.
Transforming Fear into Understanding
As I shifted my perspective, the narcissist I once feared became a diminished version of himself—like a frightened child whose demands no longer worked. His shame-laden comments that once troubled my sanity transformed into tools of manipulation, aimed at controlling me out of fear. I learned he struggled with love, equating fear with affection.
Detoxing my mind from misconceptions felt like cleansing my very being. As I consciously curated my thoughts, outdated beliefs were peeled away. The figures I had once sought validation from shrank in my mind. I was no longer a grasshopper in their presence; instead, I found clarity and power within.
The Journey of Awakening
This awakening revealed that my beliefs were remnants of past generations marred by alcoholism, gambling, and emotional neglect. However, this journey was often solitary, with little understanding from those around me.
Narcissistic abuse tends to attract similar relationships, but it’s essential to recognize that it isn't your fault. Until we learn to respect the power of our consciousness, we will remain ensnared in the dynamics of our past.
Know that narcissists strive to drain your innate power by manipulating your focus and emotions. If you're codependent, you may feel an insatiable need for their approval, reflecting an unhealed inner child yearning for connection.
Embracing the Power of the Present
If you find yourself caught in a narrative of victimhood, remember that while your emotions are valid, you are distancing yourself from the transformative potential of the present moment. Where we direct our thoughts, we plant seeds for our reality.
With the influx of external ideas via social media and the rapid spread of negative news, it's crucial to guard your mind. I encourage you to unplug from these influences and focus on what flourishes in your life without effort—like your breath or digestion.
A Call to Self-Reflection
Reflect upon your existence through the lens of Spirit or your interpretation of a Higher Power. As you perceive yourself from this perspective, you will shed the ego that binds you, cultivating a deep sense of peace. Gradually, the discomfort of negative thoughts about yourself and others will automatically shift you into a heightened state of consciousness where you will deliberately choose thoughts that remind you of your God-given power.
The mind is a piece of clay that must be molded deliberately and with the intention of love and expansion despite the karmic consequences of ego protests. If we do not mold the mind, our lives are shaped according to what the wounded parts of ourselves protest against, defend, and fall victim to.
I hope that what I have shared makes sense to you and that you no longer offer your energy to the toxic things of this world, including the toxic energies, perceptions, emotions, and beliefs of others.
The power has been with you all along. We are all Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and have always had the power to heal our lives built within us from birth. Only when we believe this is true can we understand the power we yield within our consciousness.
Ready to take your mental and emotional power back and heal your inner child of self doubt, and insecurity? Join me for the next LIVE 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program https://www.lisaaromano.com/12wbcp