Jul 08, 2020

Empaths with codependency can lose themselves in over-empathizing with others who are in pain

by Lisa A. Romano

codependency empaths self love

Empaths must use boundaries to help them protect the energies of those who can drain their energy. Empaths with codependency can lose themselves in over-empathizing with others who are in pain. This makes empaths targets for those with high narcissistic traits. 

Codependents and empaths are targets for narcissists and sociopaths because they are compassionate, caring, understanding, and have a great desire to understand other’s pain. When you are someone who cannot help but feel other’s pain, it is sometimes impossible to be able to know what you feel. Add the need for a narcissist to have power over you, and it is not difficult to see how easily it can be to become lost inside very dark energies.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Without being able to use the spirit of discernment to your advantage, you may just keep attracting others whose agenda it is to control and abuse you.

LOVE and COMPASSION are SUPERPOWERS for EMPATHS. We have the RIGHT to honor our ability to FEEL what other people feel for good rather than have narcissistic personalities abuse our gifts.

Today, allow yourself to feel for other people, but set boundaries at the same time.

What boundaries will you set?
How will they help you