It hit me one day, all that I am is energy. If I were to consider the smallest aspect of me, I would be reduced to an atom. Atoms are mostly space filled with energy. At my core, I am energy and so are you.
As my mind began to open, and I crawled out of the tomb of my past, I could not ignore the pattern-like nature of reality. Banana trees do not morph into oak trees. Peacocks do not wake up as flamingos.
What separated me from the nature around me was my mind and my ability to speak.
What if I used my mind, and my words to speak into existence a new reality, unlike what a tadpole can do?
I didn't know it at the time, but somehow the powerful work I was doing was transforming my old mind; the wounded mind that was neurologically, chemically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally stuck in the past.
Going no contact, filing for divorce, learning about codependency, and narcissism, embracing family of origin work, accepting the truth about my toxic family, and honoring the abandonment wounds of my inner child carved a doorway to another paradigm that had yet to exist. Somehow molding my thoughts, and shifting into higher frequency emotions like self-love, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-understanding were stringing together an entirely new reality for me.
The truth had both kept me nailed to a painful past, and in time, I would discover, it would also set me free.
Consciousness was healing emotional trauma, I just didn't know it at the time.
The Truth Sets You Free Even if it Hurts
Accepting that my marriage was dead and that I would have to file for divorce, brought me to rock bottom experiences that cracked me open like a lobster's shell. My body could no longer stuff the emotions my childhood, and marriage demanded I ignore. I had done my best to hide my tears, and bury my frowns. Decades of pretending had taken its toll on my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
As the fear of death looked me straight in the eye, layers of denial were yanked from my mind.
Asthma was choking the life right out of me and if I didn't change something, my children would be left to the patterns my ex and I created without someone to show them a better way.
Healing Codependency and Cognitive Distortions
Codependency, abandonment trauma, disempowering beliefs, shame, and cognitive distortions had had their way with me for too long.
Love, divine, sacred love, gave me the courage and the strength to face the truth. The love for my children breathed life back into my soul and allowed me to face the fire-breathing dragons within me as well as outside of me.
Patterns rule this planet from earthworms to ocean orcas.
I was no different than any element cast upon the earth, except that I possessed consciousness and the ability to speak.
The Bible teaches us, that in the beginning there was the word, and the word was God. Sitting in deep meditation, I pondered the meaning of such a profound statement.
- I wondered how the words I heard as a child became like Gods in my head, defining me, molding me, and ultimately controlling my world.
- I wondered how words have the power to transform or destroy, and what might happen if I ever took it upon myself to control my inner talking.
- I wondered how I might help correct the patterns I had created in my children while living out my family's patterns, and what might come of them if I chose my words more carefully.
- I wondered about the God I was told breathed life into me, and about free will.
- I wondered about neurological pathways and the chemical bonds that become reinforced as neural bundles of fibers every time I recycled a disempowering thought.
- I wondered about the divine design of consciousness, how thinking results in energy shifts within the body, and how emotions each carry their own frequency.
- I wondered about the frequency I was, as a mother, wife, friend, daughter, and soul.
And in time, I decided I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by learning to honor my pain, speak my truth, and respect the nature of the human mind, amygdala, hippocampus, memory, emotions, triggers, and all.
Mental Science is Law
Over two decades later, I know too much to not continue on the path of mental science, and consciousness, honoring all truth and holding myself accountable and responsible for the thoughts, intentions, and energies I entertain.
The most difficult part of my journey was learning to STOP running from shame. When I let go of pretending I was fine and had no needs, I broke and fell back into place all at the same time.
The magic of truth cannot be underestimated.
Faulty Beliefs are Rooted in the Subconscious Mind
The problem most humans have is, they do not appreciate the power of the subconscious mind, nor do they understand that all that exists in the 3D world, first existed on the plane of thought and emotion, all of it, the good, the bad, the pleasant and indifferent.
You and I have the power to heal our lives, although many will do what they can to prevent our growth. It is wise to say nothing as you begin the journey within and towards your truth.
Abusers will wish to discredit you, and those whose shadows might be revealed will wish to dim your light.
Self Mastery is Self Empowerment
Dear One, make no one your priority on the path to emotional freedom and self mastery but you. Allow the dead to bury the dead, and do what you can to resurrect your mind, thoughts, and emotions from the energies and patterns of the past.

Just as you feel your mind believing you can't, imagine you can. I promise you that if you always choose love, in all that you think, feel, intend, and do, love must be revealed to you and flow through you.
All my love, your sister on the path to emotional freedom and self mastery,
Lisa A. Romano
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Lisa A. Romano is an expert in the field of codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery specializing in mental resiliency and self empowerment. Her aim is to help her clients rebuild their sense of self through by arming them with the life skills, knowledge, and mental toughness tools they have been denied due to adverse childhood experiences, as well as various forms of abuse. Lisa was voted the most influential person of 2020 by Digital Journal
Her groundbreaking flagship program has helped thousands rebuild their sense of self, recover from codependency, and develop growth mindsets that allow them to live with purpose, clarity, confidence, and ownership over their lives.