Codependency Recovery and Emotional Neglect; One Root Cause
Apr 29, 2023
Codependency is a complex issue and not easy to define. It describes a pattern of behavior and a set of faulty subconscious beliefs that result in one person losing themselves to another person or a relationship to get their emotional and psychological needs met. Ego defense mechanisms developed in childhood are designed to protect a codependent from experiencing the pain of abandonment trauma. Codependents often don't seek treatment due to denial. Often when a codependent does seek treatment, it is because of a significant health or relationships crisis. While many factors can contribute to codependency, childhood emotional neglect is one of the root causes.
Root Causes of Codependency; Childhood Emotional Neglect
Childhood emotional neglect occurs when a child's emotional needs are unmet by their caregivers. This can happen in various ways, including neglect, abuse, or a lack of emotional attunement. When a child grows up in an environment where their emotional needs are unmet, they may develop a range of coping mechanisms, including codependency. Fawning after a caretaker's approval, softens the sting of feeling abandoned.
Adult children of alcoholics are particularly vulnerable to developing codependency. Children who grow up in unpredictable homes and are void of emotional authenticity often develop fawning and caretaking qualities as adults. This is because they have learned to prioritize the needs of others over their own to survive in their childhood environment.
Codependency and the Fear of Abandonment
Codependent individuals often struggle with low self-esteem and a fear of abandonment. They may feel responsible for the emotions and behaviors of others and may go to great lengths to avoid conflict or disapproval. This can lead to various negative consequences, including anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.
It is essential to address the issue's root causes to overcome codependency. This may involve working with a skilled professional to help identify and process childhood emotional neglect and develop healthy coping mechanisms and boundaries. Building a robust support system of friends and family members who can provide guidance and encouragement is also essential. When healing from codependency, one must be prepared for when others may protest at their newfound ability and desire to start saying no.
In addition to childhood emotional neglect, many other factors can contribute to codependency. These may include a history of trauma, a lack of emotional regulation skills, and a tendency to prioritize the needs of others over one's own. By addressing these underlying issues, individuals can break free from the cycle of codependency and live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
In conclusion, codependency is a complex issue with many negative consequences. Childhood emotional neglect is one of the root causes of codependency and can lead to a range of coping mechanisms that prioritize the needs of others over one's own. By addressing the underlying issues contributing to codependency, individuals can break free from this pattern of behavior and live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
With the right resources and support, anyone can achieve recovery from codependency.
Codependency Recovery Online 12 Week Program
If you are ready to breakthrough codependency, visit to learn more about Lisa A. Romano's online course designed to help wounded adult children heal the root causes of codependency.