Codependency and Honoring the Self

#codependency #codependent healing Oct 12, 2020

Codependency Recovery Means Honoring the Self 

Learning to live in the grey zone is a challenge for someone struggling with codependency.
Relationships can trigger all sorts of anxieties and cause us to fear rejection and abandonment especially when dismissed by someone we care about.
Consider the budding friendship with a coworker who you have begun to enjoy spending time with, who out of the blue forgets to call you when she said she would, or worse, mocks you for asking why she did not call when she said she would.

Codependency and Denial

Healing codependents must learn to manage those parts of themselves that want to caretake, rescue, and fawn especially when they are being dismissed, ridiculed, gaslighted, and made fun of for being emotional, open, vulnerable and caring. Our normal default lands us in the denial zone, which only leads to more heartache down the road.
One of our greatest challenges that face a codependent, is developing the ability to pay attention to how other people make us feel, more than how we WANT to feel.
Healing codependents MUST learn to VALUE their ability to offer their hearts to others and recognize immediately, when their kindness is being mistaken for weakness.
Stay aware out there Dear Ones...the right partners and friends won't exploit your uncanny ability to feel for others and to desire connection.
Manage your expectations, set those boundaries, honor yourself, and pay attention to how others make you feel.
Honor thy Self.

Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and Bestselling Author who specializes in Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse. She is the creator of The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. Lisa has a number of different online coaching programs that allow people to learn how to heal themselves of faulty childhood programming.

Lisa helps her clients understand the power of the subconscious mind, when activated through higher consciousness which gives rise to greater understanding of the ability to love the self completely.

To learn more about Lisa's on demand 12 Week Breakthrough Codependency Recovery Program visit