Jul 21, 2020

Getting past a bad breakup is challenging especially when you are in relationship withdrawal

by Lisa A. Romano

breakup love addiction relationship self love
Getting past a bad breakup due to relationship love addiction is challenging especially when you are in relationship withdrawal. Love addiction and relationship withdrawal is a real thing and when you suffer from love addiction, breakups in relationships can make you feel like you are dying.
Not all breakups are equal. Many breakups hurt more deeply than others and especially if you have suffered abandonment in your childhood. Relationship addiction, love addiction, and codependency are tied to abandonment. If you are experiencing relationship withdrawal, ask yourself, "Have I experienced emotional neglect, childhood abuse, or any form of narcissistic abuse in my past?"
Relationship addiction, love addiction, and relationship withdrawal hurt deeply and can often be more difficult to recover from than other addictions. IMHO relationship withdrawal hurts deeply especially if you have experienced abandonment trauma in your childhood. Abandonment trauma can cause us to become addicted to relationships and people.
The deeper your abandonment issues, the more difficult it might be for you to heal from relationship addiction. Relationship withdrawal is real and it can make you feel like you might die. The pain is unlike any other pain you've ever known and IMHO this is because relationship withdrawal is tied to our need to survive. All humans come to bond. Bonding helps assure our survival and so when we experience abandonment this can trigger our innate fears that are linked to needing to survive.