Believe in Your Dreams
Oct 08, 2018
Namaste Dear Ones!
I wanted to make sure you all knew how precious you all are and how thankful, grateful, humbled and honored I am to know you have come this far with your recovery. There is nothing more important than your PEACE of MIND and your confidence in your SELF. When you know that what was wrong and what held you back had NOTHING to do with your personal worth, it is easier to dis-identify with the faulty programming that once held you back, and learn to love the SELF.
This is YOUR life and it is up to YOU to take your thoughts, intentions, emotions, actions, dreams, desires and beliefs seriously. Even if people laugh, taunt, scorn, or walk away from you, KEEP believing in the FACT that you were born to CREATE and MANIFEST ABUNDANCE.
You can't make a horse drink water, no matter how close to death from dehydration, any more than you can convince someone who believes they are unworthy that they are extensions of DIVINE and INFINITE INTELLIGENCE and that they are POWERFUL CREATORS.
You and I had to learn about our true nature on our own. We had to let go of faulty ideas, and go deep within that space where our hearts hurt the most and crawl out of the illusions created by the past. We had to learn to process the thoughts that once held us back and CALL out for something more.
This is a HEROES journey--this is the path of WARRIORS and MASTERFUL CREATORS.
Never ever stop challenging thoughts that are linked to LACK and ALWAYS seek PEACE OF MIND.
ALWAYS hold onto the self.
ALWAYS keep your cool.
ALWAYS let go.
ALWAYS choose non-resistance.
ALWAYS smell the flowers.
ALWAYS bless the sun, the trees, the stars, and the sky.
ALWAYS choose to bless.
ALWAYS be kind in your thoughts, words, deeds, and intentions.
ALWAYS meditate.
ALWAYS hold your inner child near.
ALWAYS send the self LOVE.
ALWAYS surrender to what you cannot change.
ALWAYS smile.
From my heart, I truly love you all.
There is only ONE heart and ONE mind and we are just splinters of the whole trying to consciously evolve our selves so that we can more fully embrace our spiritual perfect selves while still in physical form.
The best is yet to come.