From Best-Selling Author, Lisa A. Romano

Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life Now

We are all vibrational beings and when we learn to honor the laws that govern this time and space, we can heal our lives in incredible and magnificent ways. This book draws parallels between dysfunctional homes, healing, and the law of attraction.

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What we experience as impressionable children, we believe and in time, what we believe we become.

Although rarely does one question what one has experienced and therefore has become, one should, and should always be willing to observe one’s thoughts, intentions, actions, and beliefs, otherwise one may never know if one is who they were meant to be or if instead, one is merely recycling the experiences of past generations.

It is no coincidence that many women who marry alcoholics grew up with alcoholic fathers, grandfathers or uncles. What a child experiences in childhood determines their emotional set point, or what I refer to as their point of attraction. If your childhood was full of pain, it is not by chance that your adult life experiences mirror your childhood experiences.

Man thinks and therefore man exists, but one should challenge who and what is responsible for the thinking of man.

Thinking is complex and when it is not understood as a layered process, a man can assume the madness that exists in his mind he alone is responsible for, and thus find himself powerless to believe change is possible. However, when one understands the nature of the default settings of the brain which include automatic responses to certain stimuli like abandonment for instance, in addition to the neurological, chemical, and vibrational consequences of continued experiences of abandonment, one then understands that how one thinks is the result of external, as well as internal processes. This understanding allows a human being to find the space to observe one’s own thinking, a process not possible when one is doused in shame and overwhelmed with feelings of powerlessness.

What goes in, comes out and what one believes one creates. What one believes is the result of what external experiences one has endured, therefore, thinking is the result of what external experiences have impacted a person, as well as how human biology responds to the events that take place in someone’s life, at what age they have taken place, in addition to other external factors such as familial norms, functional or otherwise.

If my father is a criminal and all he knows how to do is teach me to steal and cheat, who is responsible for the thinking I think as I continue a life of crime? Am I the thinking, or is my father responsible for my thoughts? What do I believe in? What life will I attract?

How a human being thinks, will determine the quality of their life. If a human being thinks ill of themselves, they will be unable to manifest anything short of disappointment time and time again, not because they are unworthy of abundance, but because they believe they are unworthy of abundance.

As you think of self, so shall you manifest.

Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life Now, is a book written to help you question the way you think so that you can peel yourself off the natural karmic wheel all human beings are born to. It is your birthright to awaken and live above the veil of consciousness and reclaim your subconscious and conscious mind!

This book uses the principles of the law of attraction to help you move past your past. It is a must-read for anyone struggling with addictions, troubling relationships, codependency and or other negative personal issues.

This book has the potential to heal the world on a global level, as it reveals the true hidden secrets of the law of attraction and how to harness its power to transform people from all walks of life for the better. Healing, abundance, peace, and joy are your birthright.

Unravel the mystery of your vibrational nature and manifest the truest desires of your heart by applying the knowledge contained in this powerful book.

There is nothing you cannot overcome by applying the secrets contained in this book to your own circumstances. Learn how to take control of your emotional and vibrational nature so to help re-create your point of attraction, and you shall know what it means to master the flow of life.

Meet Lisa A. Romano

Lisa A. Romano is a Certified Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in empowering adult children from dysfunctional homes with the tools they need to move beyond limiting subconscious childhood programming.Ā  Her 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program has been specifically created for people who are ready to confront their childhood wounds and reprogram their subconscious minds for success, abundance, and love.

To work with Lisa and her team, contactĀ [email protected]

What others are saying about this book

"If you haven't seen Lisa A. Romano's videos on youtube, you won't know who she is. But I would recommend them in conjunction with this book. If you’d like to know the reasons that you are stuck in old, unhealthy patterns and keep attracting the same awful people into your life, and if you are being treated poorly, it is not is your programming. Like a computer, you can change the software, get the self-respect you deserve, and live a really good life. No woo-woo, just practical advice from someone who has been in the pits and found the ladder to get out. Bottom line ...I am happier than ever before. I tell anyone and everyone about Lisa."


"Lisa a. Romano knows her stuff and clearly communicates her message in a quick, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand manner. I have read this book twice now and each time I walk away with so much excitement for life and gratitude for having come across this book and her teachings. Her messages are liberating and hopeful. Not only do I read her books to learn what went wrong in my childhood and to make sense of it, but I'm now reading them again (8 months pregnant) to ensure I raise my daughter in a psychologically healthy family. Thank you, Lisa! You have changed my life in the most positive way!"


"Changing your life from a curse to a celebration

QUANTUM TOOLS To Help You Heal Your Life NOW Lisa Romano

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you
want to be a victim of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
Deepak Chopra

After his fourth trip to a hospital detox center, Bill Wilson concluded that there must be a better way to live. He surrendered his life to a “Higher Power” and, along with Dr. Bob Smith, co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous. No records are kept, however, with over 100,000 chapters, AA has helped many millions of alcoholics recover their sobriety and become pioneers of their future.

After years of struggling in an abusive marriage, a spiritually broken “Lisa” decided there must be a better way and became a pioneer of healing dysfunctional behavior.

The word “oikos” is Greek for “house” and is the origin of the science of ecology. Basically, ecology involves the study of the interactions of living “houses” with each other and their environment.
Using that model, Lisa Romano has done an astonishing job of remodeling her “house.” She has repaired her damaged foundation; replaced defective wiring; added internal and external alarm systems; added a new holistic computer system and installed a state-of-the-art communication network.
She has emptied all of her closets of unwanted baggage and removed debilitating trash.
The potpourri of Lisa’s “house” includes essences from the following books:

The Power Of Positive Thinking: Norman Vincent Peale.
The Power Of Now: Eckhart Tolle.
The Road Less Traveled: Scott Peck.
As A Man Thinketh: James Allen.
The Bible: A sprinkling of gems.

By doing her homework (Self-work) she was able to recover her lost, once-in-a-universe “Self.” During this process of thorough introspection, she has gained wisdom and inspiration and a greater understanding of what it means to be “made in the image of God.” By doing research, gathering facts, collecting corroborating information and including personal anecdotes, she has created an amazing assemblage that will hopefully encourage and empower others to overcome problems of personality dysfunction, addiction, codependence, physical—mental—spiritual abuse.
Currently, there are millions of alcoholics in the US. There are countless millions entangled in co-dependent, dysfunctional relationships. The divorce rate is a dismal 50%.
Lisa’s book offers specific tools and guidelines that, if employed, may offer people hope of escaping their hopeless situations and making it possible to celebrate rather than curse their lives.

It is astounding to realize that an investment of $11.95 may reduce or eliminate much human suffering. I hope that “QUANTUM TOOLS” finds its way into the broken homes and broken hearts of the millions of people suffering from a plethora of social and spiritual dysfunctions.

Lisa is happily remarried and has written four books that all emerge straight from her heart and reborn spirit."

Lowell H. Young
Author: Biodesign Out For A Walk

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"It's never too late to be who you might have been. This author and life coach, Lisa A Romano has an approach that deeply resonates with my own experience with codependency. I've sought help from a handful of others but none have offered the authentic connection that Lisa does. I think it's because she has been there herself. Lisa speaks to us from her heart, from her own experience and her own success. Lisa generously posts many free videos on youtube, she wants to offer her help, her insight, and her expertise. Watch a few of her videos, if she is meant to be your teacher, what she has to say WILL resonate with you too. She has a great website, you'll find it. She offers a very affordable one on one coaching. I have availed myself of what she generously offers and I am engaged in recovery, FINALLY !! If you come from a dysfunctional family, and who hasn't? This book will gently and lovingly begin to steer you in the right direction. It isn't easy, but it's worth it. Find out what is lurking in your subconscious, find out how childhood conditioning plays out in your adult relationships. Explore what really makes you tick and learn to be your best, genuine, authentic self. Learn to stop being so hard on yourself and offer yourself what you only think you need from others. Learn to drop the effort and become the light-hearted being you were always meant to be. Lisa sets a great example, she has recovered and you can too. "If you can see it, you can heal it" Lisa will help you see it. - I also have one of her other books, Loving Self Affirmations. This is not your average self help nonsense. This is real."
