When you are raised to stuff your emotions, deny your feelings, and subjugate your needs for the sake of others, you don't know this is the case. As a result, you go on to become an adult who suffers from low self-worth, codependency, self-doubt, and sadly you may also be a magnet for narcissists.
Codependency is living below the veil of consciousness and acting out patterns and programs from the past. When you are stuck, you don't know always realize that you can become unstuck.
Sadly, many abused adult children believe they are unworthy of peace, love, and abundance. Rather than go after their dreams they settle for what shows up, believe life is supposed to be hard, and struggle to make ends meet all the while unaware that there may be serious self-limiting patterns holding them back from actually trying to make their lives better.
In this audio lecture, Lisa A. Romano helps wounded adult children recognize the power to heal their lives has been within them all along. Prepare to have your mind blown.
This audio is 28:10 in length.