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Breakthrough Membership

Elevate your healing journey by becoming a valued member of our dedicated, conscious healing community. Unlock exclusive content, including the transformative Your Feelings are Key Audio Training, the enriching 4-Part Loving the Self Video and Meditation Program, a comprehensive 4-Part Audio Series on Narcissism, insightful Self Analysis Worksheets, monthly additions, and enjoy direct access to Lisa and her team within our private Facebook Community. Join us as we grow together on the path to conscious healing.

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Your Feelings are Key Audio Training Bundle

Negative childhood experiences can arrest anyone at the level of the subconscious, especially when their entire lives have been about survival. If you learned to stuff your emotions and silence your needs, wants, and feelings for others, you are not using your feelings in an empowering way. 

The only things one can manifest in one's life are what is held in consciousness and has been impressed upon the subconscious mind. Feelings and thoughts reveal what you have faith is true, whether these empower or disempower you. 

Healing from the past requires an awakening and roadmaps that keep you on the path to higher consciousness and integration with your higher self. 

Use this audio bundle to help you awaken and develop a new mindset for navigating your feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs in a healthy, non-codependent, self-love-directed, and accountable way. 

Become SUPER KNOWLEDGEBLE about emotions, thoughts, and your DIVINE Personal Power! REMOVE RESISTANCE to POSITIVE thinking and GAIN the momentum you need to EMPOWER your MIND, BODY and SOUL.

  • Your Feelings are Key
  • Waking Up From the Codependent Mindset
  • The Three Deadly R's
  • They Were Wrong; You Can Heal
  • The Law of Attraction Demystified
  • Bonus -- Merge With the Light Guided I Am Meditation

Please remember that you can purchase this audio bundle or each audio lesson individually.

These are also included in the Breakthrough Warrior Membership. However, they are not downloadable from the membership; they are only downloadable when you purchase them and make them your own.